Console commands are very useful for customizing the game and enhancing the gaming experience. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO), it is possible to create binds to perform actions with just one keystroke. This can be very helpful in high-pressure situations, making gameplay faster and more accurate.
Enabling the developer console
To add a bind in the CSGO console, you need to follow a few simple steps. The first step is to open the game console, which can be done by pressing the "~" key, located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. If the console is disabled, it needs to be enabled in the game settings.

Adding bind in CSGO console
After opening the console, you need to type the command to create the bind. For example, to create a bind that automatically buys a set of equipment, you can use the following command:

In this case, you need to replace the word "key" with the key that will be used to trigger the bind. In the example, the bind is configured to buy an AK-47, an M4A1, a bulletproof vest, a helmet, a bomb defusal kit, and various types of grenades.
It is possible to create other binds with different actions, such as a bind to quickly open the console or a bind to perform a jump-throw. Just replace the actions of the command with the desired action.
After typing the command, you need to press the "Enter" key to confirm the creation of the bind. Then, you can test the bind by typing the selected key in the console. If the bind is configured correctly, the action will be automatically executed.
To save the created binds, you can copy them to a game configuration file, known as autoexec.cfg. This file is automatically executed every time the game is started, allowing the binds to be used in all matches.
Adding binds in the CSGO console may seem complicated at first, but with a little practice and patience, it is possible to customize the game according to each player's preferences. In addition, this customization can make all the difference in critical situations during a match.